Every choice you make in life comes with a consequence, which dictates the outcome of your future.I was once on top, I was living the life I dreamt of, I had everything I could possibly hope for. I was happy, satisfied, content…until one night. One off day. One moment in time I wish I could take back. My biggest regret. The once bright future I possessed vanished and in its place a dark world of self-hatred and loathing encompassed me. People like to celebrate the day they were born, I like to celebrate the day my soul died. This is my story of repentance.═══ LIVE BUY NOW ═══

★★★★ 1/2 stars
Even before I knew why Kace was so set on denying himself a good life, I knew he was a good man. His actions and words spoke highly of not only his better qualities but also how much he tortured himself to atone for events he had a hand in. Besides wanting to find forgiveness, I liked Kace for the good he did for his community and friends. I really wanted to find out what it was he had done that was so bad, almost as much as I wanted him to let it go without even finding out.
I loved how the book was set up with chapters both in the past and present. It really was the best way to present everything in a way that allowed the reader to see what had happened. I also loved how the story was told mainly from Kace's point of view. While I was expecting there to be some drama and angst, I shouldn't have underestimated Meghan Quinn's ability to bring it. This book was totally angst ridden. I can't even think of a word to describe how angsty it is. However it never felt like too much or over done, and it fit the situation perfectly. It was really easy for me to understand why Kace felt the way he did and behaved the way he did. Had I been in his shoes I probably would've done something similar.
Kace wasn't the only person hurting and looking for understanding. Lyla was in need of consolation too. If there was one thing I didn't like, that was how Kace kept hurting her by not opening up to her every time she made overtures to him. Regardless of how many times she told him she was there for him, Kace often ended up turning her away bluntly. I really liked the two of them together though, in the moments where Kace was able to move past everything or during the times he was too weak to resist Lyla. Where Kace was hard, Lyla was still sweet, even though she'd had plenty of opportunities to become hard herself. I really liked how Meghan Quinn wrote her female characters in ways that there was no judgement. Lyla and Goldie are/were strippers. Not once did I think badly of them or want to think bad of them. I really liked the no judgement.
I haven't read any of the Bourbon series books. It looks like I need to go back and do that, not because this book couldn't be read as a stand alone, but because I'm intrigued about Goldie and Jett. That being said, it was great to learn about them and see them in this book, but this was in fact all about Kace Haywood and his journey to finding forgiveness. Kace's journey to finding forgiveness was riveting, gritty, emotional, and sometimes hard to read. There were some moments in the second half of the book that made me just want to breakdown and sob; they were so poignant.
The story was great. It really kept me on my toes. There are lots of emotions and feelings, along with great chemistry between all the characters. I kept hoping for a certain outcome and when the largest twist of them all came, I was happy because even though it was what I would've liked to happen, I was never sure it was going to happen that way. It wasn't a surprise, but it still was. This fast paced story took very little time to capture my attention and because of its pace, didn't seem to take very long to read it. I often wonder how Meghan Quinn does it, because this book is near perfection.
*Thank you to the publicist for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for them in any manner.*
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