Rating: ★★★★★ stars
Date published:
Publisher: Everafter Romance
Synopsis: Cole Masten. Abandoned by his superstar wife, Hollywood’s Perfect Husband is now Hollywood’s Sexiest Bachelor: partying hard and screwing even harder. Watch out Los Angeles, there's a new bad boy in town.
Summer Jenkins. That’s me, a small town girl stuck in Quincy, Georgia. I cook some mean chicken and dumplins, can bluff a grown man out of his savings in poker, and was voted Most Friendly my senior year.
We were from different worlds. Our lives shouldn’t have collided. But then Cole Masten read a book about my small town. And six months later, his jet landed on our dusty airstrip, and he brought Hollywood with him.
From the start, I knew he was trouble. For our town. And for me.
What I Thought:
Be still my beating heart! I read this book in under three hours.This book demanded my full attention and I could give it nothing less. I can't even put my finger on exactly what it was, but this book had me in its grip from the prologue through the epilogue. The only imperfection I can find is that it ended too soon. Yes the book clocks in at 414 pages and it's not enough!
I also need to tell you I've was a little scared to read this book because I'd never read anything by her before. I shouldn't have worried at all. This book was totally up my alley. I certainly won't be afraid to read another book by her and am in fact totally intrigued by a certain lawyer who made an appearance in this book.
I would think I'd be tired of the well tested trope of a movie star with the girl next door, but this book has a spin to it all its own. And I'm afraid to call Summer Jenkins the typical girl next door, because she's anything but typical. I loved her character. She's sassy, a spitfire, and nothing but determined to get out of Quincy, Georgia. She's been looked down on her entire life and she's ready to go somewhere and start over fresh. I admired the heck out of her. She's resourceful and enterprising; she's got guts and balls of steel. I loved how she never gave Cole an inch.
If I loved Summer, I adored Cole. I hated seeing him blindsided by the loss of his marriage. He wasn't the typical Hollywood star. His heart was in the right place. I loved seeing his time in Quincy and the change of pace in his life salve his pain. Oh he tripped up a couple of times while adjusting to his new reality, but I loved that he made the effort to adjust into a new way of life. Case and point, Cocky the rooster. I just loved seeing City Boy fall in love with that fowl.
From the first moment Summer and Cole met, I knew they were going to have an explosive story. The tension between them was strong. Whether it was animosity that turned into passion or whatever, I ate it up! The thing about their chemistry was that it grew with every scene. There was no ebb and flow, it just steadily built until I thought I was going to combust before they did! And once they finally gave in, it was hotter and so much better than I was expecting it to be.
I loved being in both their heads and having them narrate their past and present experiences. I also loved how they were both so confident on the outside yet had different insecurities that often created trouble between them. Cole was used to everyone telling him yes, when Summer's favorite word to use with him was 'No.'
I've been told this isn't the typical Alessandra Torre story. If she writes stories that have grit and heart, then I'd say she's hit her benchmark once again. I loved this book to pieces. Everything just clicked. The characters, the story itself, my feelings, all of it. I do hope she continues to write in this vein. She has a new fan in me and I can't wait to see what she writes next while I try to catch up with everything she's already written!
I've been told this isn't the typical Alessandra Torre story. If she writes stories that have grit and heart, then I'd say she's hit her benchmark once again. I loved this book to pieces. Everything just clicked. The characters, the story itself, my feelings, all of it. I do hope she continues to write in this vein. She has a new fan in me and I can't wait to see what she writes next while I try to catch up with everything she's already written!
Purchase Links
AmazonUS: http://amzn.to/1Qbhsu8
AmazonUK : http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B014UA70U8
AmazonCA: http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B014UA70U8
AmazonAU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B014UA70U8
nook: http://googl/I4zClF
iBooks: https://goo.gl/XRi5tG
kobo: https://goo.gl/NqLnFX
Author Info:

Alessandra Torre is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of ten novels. Her books focus on romance and suspense, all with a strong undercurrent of sexuality. Torre has been featured in such publications as Elle and Elle UK, co-hosted Dirty Sexy Funny with Jenny McCarthy, as well as guest blogged for the Huffington Post and RT Book Reviews. She is also the Bedroom Blogger for Cosmopolitan.com.
You can learn more about Alessandra on her website at www.alessandratorre.com, or you can find her on Twitter (@ReadAlessandra) or Facebook.
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*Thank you to the publicist for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for them in any manner.*
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