Date published: May 3rd, 2015
Publisher: Fisher Amelie
Synopsis: Revenge is an euphoric thing. Trust me on this. Nothing compares to the release you get when you ruin someone’s life. When they’ve stolen important things. Things that didn’t belong to them. Things I revel in making them pay for.
What? Have I offended you? I’m not here to appeal to your delicate senses. I have no intention of placating your wishes or living within your personal belief system nor do I care if you hate me. And you will hate me. Because I’m a brutal, savage, cold-blooded murderer and I’m here for my revenge.
I’m Ethan Moonsong…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most sacrificing man to the most feared and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Can be read as a standalone.
What I Thought:
I have no Earthly idea on how to start this review. This book has left me reeling after taking me apart and then putting me back together. I'm going to apologize now, because this is going to one gushy review, but I'm going to try and temper it. I have no idea how Fisher Amelie does it, but she manages to take a deadly sin and turn it into a story which touches the fibers of your soul.
I can't begin to tell you how excited I was when it was first announced the third book in this series was going to be about Ethan. For those who are wondering, each book can be read on its own, but I would strongly suggest someone picking up this series for the first time start with Vain and go from there. For the longest time I was in love with the concept cover and the blurb. Fury, the third deadly sin Fisher has covered, captured my attention from the first page, but I didn't fall in love with Ethan until later on in the story.
The Ethan I met at the beginning of this book was not one I liked much, but one I completely understood. He was heartbroken and had recently lost someone he was planning on spending the rest of his life with. Instead of moving on, Ethan basted himself with the anger and pain he felt as opposed to realizing what he wanted so desperately wasn't going to happen. I adored Finley from the first time she appeared to save Ethan from doing something with lasting consequences. I loved how she never gave up on him even when he was cruel and never expected anything in return for her kindness and concern. I had no idea how complicated a person she was until much later in the book when she surprised both Ethan and myself.
I absolutely loved how I fell in love with Ethan. It was slow. As more and more of his past was revealed, the more I got to know him and the more I loved him. I never loved him more than the moment he realized what love truly was and whom he truly loved. It was quite humbling for him. I can't say enough about Finley. That girl. Reading about her past was difficult. I couldn't believe the things that beautiful girl had experienced. I wanted to soothe her and do horrible, terrible things to those who had hurt her. She was so strong and resilient. She saw a need in the world and stepped up to be a part of that change, regardless of the danger it posed to her. I loved that the book was told from both their points of view and that both of them underwent this transforming journey.
There are some very sensitive topics discussed in this book. They're disturbing and often horrifying, but they're dealt with realistically and with compassion. It's this dichotomy Fisher Amelie brings to her stories that I love as much as they make my heart race and often make me cry. The words she uses are descriptive, easily placing you in the minds of her characters, and in the locales, whether it's ruggedly beautiful Montana or the exotic paradise of Vietnam. I'm not one to often mark quotes, but a number of times I had to stop and re-read a line to let it soak in or to write it down. One line that really resonated with me was, "A failure to act is a failure to do right." That's poetic and can be applied to many current situations around the globe. Another that stood out for me was, "We're forced to live within the confines of laws inflicted upon us by a society that knows nothing of right and wrong." These will be going on my list of favorite quotes.
I think what I love most about this story was how ugliness and beauty in the form of good and evil was portrayed. I loved how there was no black and white, and while trying to do good, one could easily cross lines and do evil with good intentions. I know not everyone is going to have the same visceral reaction I did or enjoy it as much as I did. I was fully engaged with the story and even when it was difficult to read or I was okay with the moral lines, my moral lines, being crossed, I never stopped hoping for a happy ending and a result that seemed impossible. I got one, but I love that it was realistic. It wasn't sugar coated. This book is different from the previous two, but it's just as hard hitting, if not more. I will never be able to say enough about how amazing this book is or how amazing Fisher Amelie is. She manages to mesh genres and themes that seem impossible and do it seamlessly. When you pick up this book be prepared to have your heart stolen and your soul shaken. And in reference to what I said earlier in my review, I didn't gush enough. I just can't find the words to do this book justice.
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*Thank you to the publicist for a copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for them in any manner.*
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