I feel like Robin York is an one of the worst kept secrets ever. She's on my list of authors who are under appreciated because her books are phenomenal. They will rock you. SERIOUSLY.
HARDER Synopsis:
In Robin York’s provocative new novel, two young ex-lovers find themselves together again in the shadow of tragedy—and an intense, undeniable attraction.
Caroline still dreams about West. His warm skin, his taut muscles, his hand sliding down her stomach. Then she wakes up and she’s back to reality: West is gone. And before he left, he broke her heart.
Then, out of the blue, West calls in crisis. A tragedy has hit his family—a family that’s already a fractured mess. Caroline knows what she has to do. Without discussion, without stopping to think, she’s on a plane, flying to his side to support him in any way he needs.
They’re together again, but things are totally different. West looks edgy, angry at the world. Caroline doesn’t fit in. She should be back in Iowa, finalizing her civil suit against the ex-boyfriend who posted their explicit pictures on a revenge porn website. But here she is. Deeply into West, wrapped up in him, in love with him. Still.
They fought the odds once. Losing each other was hard. But finding their way back to each other couldn’t be harder.
Advance praise for HARDER:
“Bursting with chemistry, emotion, and heart, Caroline and West’s story will take your breath away!”—Katy Evans, New York Times bestselling author of the REAL series
“Robin York writes exceptionally real characters in achingly real situations. Harder had a hold on my heart and didn’t let go until the very end.”—New York Times bestselling author Cora Carmack
“Robin York writes exceptionally real characters in achingly real situations. Harder had a hold on my heart and didn’t let go until the very end.”—New York Times bestselling author Cora Carmack
Praise for DEEPER:
“The perfect new adult story . . . West will make you swoon!”—New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy
“Beautifully written and full of swoony tender moments, toe-curling chemistry, and delicious, twisty angst . . . Stop whatever you’re doing and read this book.”—Christina Lauren, author of the Beautiful Bastard series
Review: ★★★★1/2 stars
Lets start from the beginning. The moment I saw the book was up on Netgalley months ago, I requested it immediately. When the blog tour email came I signed up because I wanted to share my thoughts with all of you. I started reading this book at 3 AM this Monday morning. I had to force my self to put it down at 4:30. I'd read 121 pages at that point. No lie. I took the first chance I got after I woke up to finish the book. I finished what was left in under 90 minutes. You can definitely tell I was enthralled with the story. (I was the same way with Deeper.)
Granted I'm low on brain power, I'm struggling to put words and thoughts together today, and there are probably many grammatical errors (I've proof read this twice already), but it was totally worth it. Robin York has written a fabulous follow up book to Deeper. I couldn't get enough of Caroline and West in that book and I couldn't get enough in this book either. The focus has shifted from Caroline and dealing with the aftermath of her privacy being violated to West and dealing with his demons and what it does to the both of them. It was interesting to see the shift in roles of the two.
I thought Caroline was a bad ass in Deeper for handling things the way she did. She stepped up and dealt with everything is a very capable and mature manner. I was even more impressed with her in this book. She has poise and even though she's young in years, she has wisdom I haven't seen in adults. She truly loves West. Through out everything, that shone through. I thought West could do no wrong in Deeper. I loved him for supporting Caroline but if you've read the book or even just the first chapter of this book you know this West is different from the one at the end of Deeper. There were so many times I wanted to grab him and shake some sense into him or cry for all he went through.
I really didn't want this book to end. I sincerely hope Robin keeps writing about Caroline and West. I don't want their journey to be finished and certain threads weren't fully dealt with. I know this series is realistic and gritty so having everything wrapped up neatly would be nice but a far stretch, but even knowing that I'm not ready to let Caroline, West, and Frankie go. I'd love for her to write about Bridget and Krishna too.
With Deeper Robin York shot to my must read list and Harder only cemented it further. Her style of writing, characters, and story are will leave you reeling and hungering for more. You be thinking about this book long after you finish it. I guarantee it.
*A copy of the book was provided by the publisher in return for an honest opinion. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any manner. I also bought my own paperback copy.*
With Deeper Robin York shot to my must read list and Harder only cemented it further. Her style of writing, characters, and story are will leave you reeling and hungering for more. You be thinking about this book long after you finish it. I guarantee it.
*A copy of the book was provided by the publisher in return for an honest opinion. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any manner. I also bought my own paperback copy.*
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